We don't have a catalogue of tours, we have a catalogue of ingredients. We start listening to you and we create your trip. This section is to get you inspired and this wine tour can be in a lot of regions of Italy.
Guides & Resources
Answering your questions
Tour Leader
Joining the Siciclando team was a natural fit. We both share an interest in making the most of each day, finding the beauty in the simple moments, and enjoying it with friends. We just began and I look forward to see the rest of the story unfold.
In addition to my work with Siciclando, I am a videographer which allows me to see a lot of Italy through different lenses, perspectives, and emotions. (Sometimes from a helicopter as I am getting footage of the Rally Car Races in Italy — see below.) There is a commonality between this work and being on tour. Each tour is a unique experience and deserves its own evolution. We are here to help shape that with you.
Being Italian is a feeling. Biking with Siciclando is all about discovering the Italian in yourself in the perfect locations to do so. We are here to help you achieve that!
I'm a downhill mountain biker and I love my Mondraker Summum, but sometimes I indulge in the pleasure of a nice ride on the seaside on my old-fashioned Giant TCR roadbike... when I'm not on the heli.