We don't have a catalogue of tours, we have a catalogue of ingredients. We start listening to you and we create your trip. This section is to get you inspired and this wine tour can be in a lot of regions of Italy.
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Tour Leader
My name is Enrico, but everybody calls me Chicco (pronounced Kee-ko). I am very passionate about music, and this is something that sets me apart as a tour guide. I love to bring my guitar with me on the tours, and when the moment is right, I like to play it. Singing together and enjoying music is magical.
Being a Siciclando guide is wonderful; not only do I get to meet people from all over the world, but I also get to bring my other passions and combine them with the joy of movement and discovery.
For me, Soul Italy is like a small family where everyone can express their personality and at the same time always discover something new about themselves along the way. And this is special both for us tour leaders and for the customers. This creates such an atmosphere of strong bonding every time. Even though you move from destination to destination on a daily basis, you always feel at home.
I always love to ride my trusty old gravel bike with my friends. By now it is a bit old, but I am rather fond of it.