We don't have a catalogue of tours, we have a catalogue of ingredients. We start listening to you and we create your trip. This section is to get you inspired and this wine tour can be in a lot of regions of Italy.
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Answering your questions
Ground Operations Manager
I am Ilaria, and my life is as fast-paced as a train speeding down the tracks. Jump on, buckle up and hold on tight!
Life is to be discovered.
A bike tour is the perfect way to discover Italy — to go at your own pace, and truly become a part of it.
I began working as a tour leader in 2009 because I liked to bike, and could not imagine myself enclosed in an office all day. It was the beginning of a wonderful experience that opened my mind and heart. Now I have jumped on the Siciclando train, and I can't wait to welcome you into the fold next.
I love this job, and I look forward to showing you my home country.
We give you something that other companies cannot: originality and authenticity! We live in the gorgeous country and we look forward to sharing it, every day.
My Ibis Mojo SL mountain bike!